Flooded (buildings are locked down and no entry is allowed)
1. Art Building
2. Art Building West
3. Museum of Art
4. Theatre Building
5. Hancher Auditorium
6. Voxman Music Building
7. Stanley Hydraulics Lab
8. Cambus barn
9. Iowa Advanced Technology Labs
10. Iowa Memorial Union
11. North Hall
12. Hawkeye Court apartments
13. Mayflower Residence Hall
14. Adler Journalism Building
15. English Philosophy Building
16. Danforth Chapel (NEW)
At risk of flooding (buildings are locked down and entry is restricted to authorized personnel only)
1. Becker Communications Studies Building
2. Main Library
3. 700 South Clinton Street (WSUI/KSUI radio, Office of State Archaeologist)
4. Communications Center
5. Engineering Research Facility
6. Women’s Resource and Action Center
7. Hydraulics Annexes
No Access off Madison Street (due to sandbagging)
1. Seamans Center for the Engineering Arts and Sciences
2. Chemistry Building
3. Lindquist Building
4. Halsey Hall
No Power
1. Lindquist Center
2. Jessup Hall
3. Chemistry Building
4. Old Capitol
5. Currier Residence Hall
6. Burge Residence Hall
7. Stanley Residence Hall
8. MacBride Hall
9. Trowbridge Building (includes Department of Geology offices and Iowa Geological Survey– Department of Natural Resources) (NEW-CORRECTED)