The University of Iowa has suspended normal activities on the arts campus due to anticipated flooding. University officials are making plans to temporarily relocate offices in all buildings along the west bank of the Iowa River including Hancher Auditorium, Voxman Music Building and Clapp Recital Hall, the Theatre Building, the Museum of Art, the Art Building and Art Building West.
Classes held in buildings on the arts campus are being moved. Students are advised to check the UI Student Information System (ISIS) site at to monitor classroom location changes.
Faculty and staff who work in the buildings are encouraged to begin removing essential possessions from their offices. They are encouraged to take items they can carry, and movers will be available to assist with larger items.
Parking in the area will also be affected. Lot 18 near North Hall will be closed later today. The university is developing plans for alternative parking for those assigned to park in the Hancher Auditorium lot. For now, they are encouraged to use the Hawkeye commuter lot, located on Hawkeye Park Road on the west side of campus, and take Cambus.
The UI is creating a list of employees who are willing to help fill sandbags. Those interested are encouraged to talk with their supervisors.
University officials are meeting throughout the day to continue preparing for flooding.
Specific guidelines will be disseminated to the campus community and posted on this web site as they become available.
STORY SOURCE: University of Iowa News Services, 300 Plaza Centre One, Suite 371, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2500
MEDIA CONTACT: Linda Kettner, university spokeswoman, 319-384-0030 (office); 319-621-7945 (cell),